Constitution and bylaws

  • So that all things may be done decently and orderly and that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God.

  • Section 1- Name

    The congregation of believers shall be known as the God’s Final Warning Ministries Nondenominational Christian Church Headquartered and in Lancaster, Texas Dallas County and is not for profit.

    Section 2- Purpose

    This congregation is organized as a church exclusive for charitable, religious and educational purposes.

    The purpose of this church shall be:

    1. To worship and serve God and to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ as set forth in Matthew 28:19-20

    2. To minister to the needs of its members and the community as the church is able to do so.

    3. To do any and all things to and in connection with the carrying out of the objective and purpose herein above set forth.

  • Section 1- Statement of Faith

    1. We believe the Holy Bible as the inspired Word of God, without any error, the all sufficient authority in matters of faith, doctrine, and Christian living.

    2. We believe in one God, eternally existing in three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    3. We believe in the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ, and that He is true God and man, He died on the cross for our sins, He rose bodily form the dead, ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of the Father and is now our High Priest and Advocate.

    4. We believe that the Ten Commandments Law is binding upon all Christians and the keeping of this law including the seventh day Sabbath (Saturday) is our true expression of our love for God. 1 John 5:2-3, Matthew 22:37-40, James 2:10-12, Romans 13:8-10

    Section 2- Membership

    This is a sovereign and theocratic Nondenominational Christian Church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. The membership retains unto itself the exclusive right of self-government in all phases of the spiritual and temporal life of this church.

    The membership reserves the exclusive right to determine who shall be members of this church and the conditions of such membership.

    The members of God’s Final Warning Ministries are those who have been accepted by the congregation upon presenting themselves to the church on one of the following basis:

    • By profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and through the rite of Baptism.

    • By promise of a letter of recommendation from another affiliate church or like faith and order.

    • Candidates for membership will be presented to the church body for acceptance into membership.

    Section 3- Duties of a Member

    On becoming a member of this church each one covenants to love, honor and esteem the Pastor to pray for him; and to recognize his authority in spiritual affairs of the church; to cherish a brotherly love for all members of the church to support the church in prayer, tithes, offerings and with other financial support as the Lord enables; and in accordance with biblical commands to support through a lifestyle that affirms the beliefs and teachings of the church.

  • Section 1- Regular Church Business Meetings

    The regular church business meetings shall be conducted quarterly on Sunday mornings. Date and time will be announced through regular church publications.

    Section 3- Special Called Church Business Meetings

    Special called church business meetings will be held when deemed necessary by the Pastor or Elders with the Pastor’s permission or request.

  • Section 1- Church Officers

    The following will be the Officers of the church:

    • Pastor

    • Elders

    • Deacon

    • Minister of Records

    • Minister of Finance

    **Note: one person may hold two or more offices except that of Pastor. The Pastor from time to time as he deems appropriate may appoint other church officers.

    Section 2- Terms of Service

    the term of service for all offices in the Church, except the Pastor, Deacon, and the Elders shall be one year, at the expiration of which they may be re-elected or reappointed. The Pastor, may ask any officer for his resignation if he lives a persistent life of sin, becomes apostate, ceases to believe in the Faith, habitually violates. any qualifications of 1 Timothy 3:8-13 without making reasonable efforts to comply with the Scriptures, refuses to perform his or her duties or can no longer serve in harmony with the Pastor with a kindred spirit. An officer also may voluntarily resign for personal reasons at the end of each one year term.

    A vacancy occurring in any office or board, except in the case of the Pastor, may be filled at any Regular Church Administration Meeting.

    All elected and appointed Officers shall serve in their respective offices until their successors’ are duly elected or appointed.

    Section 3- Election of Officers

    An annual election of new church officers will be held at a general assembly. A three fourths (3/4) vote by the church members present is required to confirm each new church officers.

    All elections must be posted and announced during regular church services on Sabbath mornings two weeks prior to elections. Church officers who have been re-elected or re-appointed by the Pastor to continue as active officers do not require an annual confirmation vote by the church membership.

  • Section 1- The Pastor

    1. The Pastor shall preach the Gospel regularly and shall be at liberty to preach the whole counsel of the Word of God as the Lord leads him. He shall administer the ordinances of the Church, as moderator at all Church meetings for the transaction of Church matters, approve and supervise all ministries of the Church, and tenderly watch over the spiritual interests of the membership.

    2. The Pastor shall appoint the members of the various committees at such time when appointments become necessary.He shall inform all newly elected officers of the particular functions and the responsibilities of their respective offices. He shall extend the right hand of fellowship to all new members on behalf of the Church and perform such other duties as generally pertaining to such a position. The Pastor shall be free to choose the means and methods by which he exercises the ministry that God has given him.

    Section 2: Elders

    The Elders shall serve as assistance of the Pastor, or in the absence of a Pastor the Elder may serve as the presiding minister.

    Section 3: Deacons

    Deacons shall assist the Pastor in such a manager as he shall request, in promoting the spiritual welfare of the Church, in conducting the religious services, and in performing all other work of the Church.

    Section 4: Minister of Records

    The Minister of Records shall keep a record of Church proceedings, of the membership roll, of all baptisms, of certificates of ordination, licenses and commissions as directed by the Church, and perserve all documents, papers, and letters coming into his hands during his term of office. All records are to be kept in the Church office, and delivered to any successor upon leaving office.

    Section 5: Minister of Finance

    The Minister of Finance shall account for all funds contributed to the Church. He shall present a written report of itemized disbursements monthly.

  • Under the direction and guidance of the Pastor, every Church staff member (paid or volunteer) shall assist the Pastor in carrying out his God-given responsibilities. No Church staff member shall attempt to start his own ministry independent of the Pastor’s ministry or without the Pastor’s approval. No Church staff member shall appeal to the case when a Church staff member will not work together with the Pastor in harmony and respect, at the request of the Pastor, he shall immediately and quietly resign his membership in the Church, and he shall promptly leave the Church without murmuring and causing division or disunity. This provision may be viewed only at the discretion of the Pastor.

  • Section 1

    Upon the dissolution of the Church, the church officers, after paying or making provision for payment of all liabilities of the Church, dispose of all the assets of the Church to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes as shall at the time qualify as a exempt organization or organizations under Section 501(c)(3) or the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Trustees shall determine. Assets may be distributed only to organizations which agree with the Church’s Statement of Faith.

  • Section 1- Ordination Qualifications

    Any member of this Church or its mission churches, who gives evidence of a genuine call of God into the work of the ministry and possesses the qualifications stated in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9, may be ordained as a Minister of the Gospel.

    Section 2- Ordination Procedure

    1. Upon a conference with a Pastor and after the Pastor has approved the candidate for ordination, the Pastor shall call a Council to examine and pass on the qualification of the candidate. The Ordination Council shall consist of ordained ministers of like faith invited to participate in the examination of the candidate.

    2. If the candidate is found worthy of the ordination by the Council, the Ordination Council may ordain the candidate on behalf of the Church.

  • Number 1

    Each member at least 18 years of age shall be entitled to vote on all matters subject to vote, including those pertaining to: discipline of members, new officers, etc.

    Number 2

    All church meetings shall be opened and closed with prayer for divine guidance and blessing.

    Number 3

    All appointments for public worship and Bible study and the arrangements thereof including time and place and the use of the property belonging to the Church for purposes other than the stated appointments shall be under the control of the Pastor.

    Number 4

    All literature used in the Church shall be in complete agreement with the Faith.

    Number 5

    The following order shall be observed at the regular Church business or board meetings. Regular Church Administration Meetings shall follow a similar order as needed for the occasion:

    1. Devotions and Prayer

    2. Reading of the Minutes

    3. Report of Officers

    4. Reports of Standing Committees

    5. Reports of Special Committees

    6. Unfinished Matters

    7. New Matters

    8. Adjournment

    9. Benediction

God’s Final Warning Ministries

Nondenominational Christian Church